What are the preset breakpoints?


Anybody can chime in. I've been hunting around and I haven't figured out how the theme sets the breakpoints that correspond to the four grid settings for desktop, laptop, tablet and phone (e.g. 3 cols, 4 cols, 6 cols, 12 cols.)

Are the break points set somewhere accessible, or is it hardwired?  I need to change the CSS for my sidebar based on the breakpoints, so  I'd like to be precise about it.




You can implement your CSS on our theme. Open file lessc/style.less or other less file and put your css at there.


That's lovely, but it doesn't answer my question, which is:

What are the preset breakpoints for the layout builder?  There are four media types indicated by icons when you are selecting how many columns wide each region will be--what pixel widths correspond with those four?

Sorry if I wasn't clear before.
