By coincidence we found out that users cannot remove content from fields. For example we have a content type with address, city, phone etc. If for example the user creates a records, saves it and later edits it, he cannot empty the fields city, phone etc. Whenever he clicks in the edit field then current value disappears. Then he leaves the field and the value is there again. Naturally he could enter a space, but no user will have this idea because it is completely against any common gui rules.
So my question: Does a module you deliver with your theme do that? Or is it in your theme somewhere? Just a note: I did not install “form_placeholder” which comes with your theme.
best regards
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When do you finally post here the bugfix for this bug?
This is really poor support
We just come back after travel holiday.
We are so sorry for the late reply.
You should install form_placeholder for our theme. It will convert the input value to value placeholder
This module had attached with our theme.
If you don't want use it. You must use jQuery for fix your issue.