Two Blocks Each With Dexp Button - Only One Button Shortcode Renders

Hi there,

I got a strange problem. I've set up two blocks.

One block has:

[dexp_button link="#" class="btn-xl upper-text"]Book A Tour[/dexp_button]

The other block has:

[dexp_button link="#" class="btn-xl upper-text"]Enrol Online[/dexp_button]

I added these two custom blocks into the same region and placed them be next to one another. When I go and look at the footer, only one button is rendered. You can see this at the green footer section of my current development site:

If I inspect the HTML code for the non-rendered block I have this:

<p>link="#" class="btn-xl upper-text"Book A Tour[/dexp_button</p>

Question: Why is the shortcode in the first block not being rendered? How can I fix this?

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Oh dear. Sorry, my mistake... I missed a square bracket! :P

I forgot to use a square bracket.

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