Hello Admin,
I have a couple of questions here, maybe more but by know this two.
• When I edit/add links, content on the MD Mega Menu the pop up windows doesn't get in active and appears to be gray, check the screenshot. When I tried to input or change setting the window just close. Is there something that I need to change, update, or configure?
• Can I edit the search text "start typing"?
Thanks very much!
1. About the first question, could you give us your site URL and admin account for checking?
2. To edit the search text, you can open template.php file and change text at line 34.
I'm working locally it's not online for the moment, but I found the solution.
MD Mega Menu works only on 8.1 Jquery version, I f you leave the Jquery version by default in the theme (by this time is 1.9) editing the menu doesn't work. So you need to change a couple of things.
• Default JQuery Version: 1.9
• Alternate JQuery version of JQuery to use on administrative pages: 1.5
• JQuery compression level: Development (uncompressed): Check On
The two questions are answered. Cheers!