I have just purchased theme and while some aspects of the theme are being picked up, some aspects are not. The main menu in the navigation menu, for example is just a list of unformatted links. I have installed many Drupal themes and followed your instructions for the theme only installation, but things are not looking quite right. I am happy to provide login details, privately if there is a way. Thanks.
Re the above issue, I think the problem might be that I just followed the instructions for Theme only. I thought that this was what was needed, as I have an existing site and don't want to overwrite any data there already. But, I think, having gone through the fine detail of your Documentation, that I actually require the modules that would have been included in the Profile installation.
For example:
I don't have any checkbox in Configuration → Text Formats → Full HTML to add Shortcodes.
I have none of the Drupalexp Block module options.
I want all these too. That is half the attraction of the theme!
I am not sure how to get these in now, without compromising any data (content) that is in my site. I could easily copy the drupalexp_evolve profile folder into my site, but it says in the excerpt below, that this will be picked up on the install, which obviously I am not going to do, so maybe that will do nothing, I am just not sure. I would be obliged, therefore, if you could tell me the best way to rectify this, before I take any further steps, as I don't want to mess things up. Thanks.
Documentation - excerpt:
Profile installation
Provided with this package is a Drupal install profile (called drupalexp_evolve) which is used to quickly install new sites with the EVOLVE theme. This profile will install all required modules and setup the EVOLVE theme as the default them
STEPS to do:
Create a new database in your phpmyadmin/cPanel tools and create database user.
Download the latest version of Drupal 7 from Drupal.org and upload to your server.
Copy the drupalexp_evolve profile folder located in the package (packages/profiles) into your sites profiles folder.
Install your drupal site normally, the drupalexp_evolve profile will auto load as default.
Theme Only
The following explains how to install the theme with existing sites. In order to do this there are several steps that must be completed.
Copy both the evolve and drupalexp themes (located in package at Packages/themes) into your sites theme directory (sites/all/themes)..
Install and enable jquery_update module and change jQuery version to 1.7
Enable the evolve theme from Appearance menu.
Hi campbdy,
Thank for your question. We had a mistake in document for installing theme only.
In Theme only installation, we must copy modules and enable them manually from profile package but we haven't mentioned in document. Sorry about that thing, please copy modules (NOT exist in your site) from profile package and enable it before using functions in this theme. Also, please manually put your menu into Dexp Dropdown Menu block to fix problem menu.
Again, we sorry about inconvenient!
Many thanks,
Does any file structure need to be retained, e.g. keep the dexp_ modules in the drupalexp folder and transfer this folder to sites/all/modules or just copy the modules themselves to sites/all/modules and enable them?
Also, I assume the modules in the contrib folder that I do not already have enabled should be copied to sites/all/modules, too?
I would also like to clarify that the dexp_ modules in the drupalexp folder (mentioned in my first point above) should be copied to the Evolve theme and not the drupalexp base theme. Thanks.
Actually, I have just noticed, in the profiles folder, there are also additional things in the libraries folder - appear, bxslider, stellar etc - that may also need to be copied.
And, I am also wondering if the whole profile package - with everything in it, as it currently stands - should just be copied across.
Basically, I have no idea exactly what is required! This theme installation is different to anything I have installed before, and more information is required to proceed with a proper installation.
Please could you provide explicit, detailed instructions regarding what needs to be copied and where it should be copied. I am paying a developer to work on this project alongside me, and we can't get on until this gets sorted.
Please can you provide an answer to this ASAP.
1. Keep the dexp_ modules in the drupalexp folder and transfer this folder to sites/all/modules or just copy the modules themselves to sites/all/modules and enable them
=> Copy drupalexp folder to sites/all/modules and enable all modules included in this folder.
2. I assume the modules in the contrib folder that I do not already have enabled should be copied to sites/all/modules, too?
=> Yes, it's correct!
Below as things you SHOULD follow when installing in exist website
1. Copy sub folders in libraries folder located at profile/drupalexp_evolve/libraries folder to your sites/all/libraries. (Create new folder libraries if it's not exist)
2. Copy modules located at profile/drupalexp_evolve/modules/contrib which NOT exist in your site to your sites/all/module and enable it
3. Copy drupalexp folder located at profile/drupalexp_evolve/modules to your sites/all/module and enable it
4. Copy drupalexp and evolve themes located at profile/drupalexp_evolve/themes to your sites/all/theme and set Evolve to default
That's all
If you still have any problem, feel free contact us to support.
Thank you!
Thank you. I have followed your instructions and it is all now okay.
The only issue I now have is getting the search block, the same as in the demo, i.e. a search icon, that when clicked brings up the search block. And the search icon is visible in mobile.
For reference, I currently have Search API installed and the search block is a block that has been created automatically via this. I don't suppose this is any different to using the existing search block that ships with Drupal (but is not used, in my case), but I just thought I would mention it anyway.
So, unless I have missed a setting somewhere to get the search like the demo, my questions are:
1) How do you only get an icon in the menu. (I see that I now have the option to add an icon, but text still has to be entered for the menu item, which I obviously don't want?
2) How do I set the search block to be hidden until someone clicks on the search icon?
(Reckon that should be me, once I get this sorted!)