Layer slider not displaying 'settings' menu item

Bought the layer slider a few days ago. Installed it on a fresh Drupal 7 site.

In the main menu mainmenu > content > Layer sliders I can make a new slider.

But when de slider is saved and I return to the main menu. There are behind every slider the following menu options:

  • Edit Slides, Export, Duplicate, Delete

And the 'Settings' menu item is missing Any solutions?

Hi cvbuyten,

Which admin theme jQuery version are you using? Please check and use version 1.7 in http://your-domain/admin/config/development/jquery_update


Hi Jimmy,

Jquery 1.7 fro the admin theme Als ready tried that (eand retried it again). But no reult (flushed the cache betweend trials)

I can reach the setting manually by changing the url (change 'edit_slides' to settings



But I think this in not the way this should work ;-)


Could you please help to create a ticket then send me the url, admin account for checking?
