Can the layer slider be set to "randomize" the slides instead of just running through from first to last each time? Thank you! Brent

We updated layer slider module and replied via email Thanks!

Hi, Can you also update with the updated module which can randomize the slider display? I just checked my download (which was done few days back), and it is dated Aug 2014. Looks like you sent the updated slider to whom requested it.


Peter, [email protected]



I purchased the eventus theme and now I am having problems with some updates. The following error message appears when I try to update the from image:

Error: Call to undefined function media_browser_js() in media_include_browser_js() (line 53 of /home/edemegov/public_html/sites/all/modules/media/wysiwyg_plugins/

I would like to know how can I get the latest updates of the theme. Best regards,
