Hi there, I've just installed the theme as it's in the description, under the nailswithstyle.co.uk domain. I've followed the steps for the beginner users, as this is my first time with drupal. After install i can't access any of this: nailswithstyle.co.uk/admin, nailswitshtyle.co.uk/user. I have an idea that it could be related to modrewrite (htaccess problems?) Can you please help me pointing out where i've possibly made a mistake? I am using godaddy's hosting, and had an installation of drupal in the folder (clean basic one), but i've removed that completely before i've installed yours. regards, Tamas
Hello, Thank you for your choosing our theme. Yes, it look like your server does not support rewrite url yet. There is some steps to config your site: 1. Login you site follow url: http://youdomain.com/?q=user 2. Go to url: http://youdomain.com/?q=admin/config/search/clean-urls 3. Uncheck "Enable clean URLs" option then click Save configuration. Cheers.
thanks for your reply, it was so obvious that if the clean urls-not working i should try the "not clean" versions to access the page... i was not even opening the man page about the clean urls... :( now i feel stupid. :D thanks for your help, again Tamas
Hi, You are welcome, any problem else please let me know. Can you give us 5stars rating on themeforest? It will helps us so much. Thank you