Does anyone know where the icon master list is? I need a list with the icon name and picture so I can replace this line of code in the demo... icon='icon-picons-coffee' Thanks!
Hi. We are using Glyphicons and Font Awesome icons for our theme. Please follow this link to get new icon http://your-domain/featured/retina-icons or and To update new version for font awesome. Copy them override folder sites/all/themes/drupalexp/vendor/font-awesome.
I updated the font into the folder and still seem to be missing something. Here is a snippet of the code in the Block Body that comes back without an icon. I'm sure it is user error on my part. Can you help me correct the code to show the "comments" icon in Font Awesome? [box title='Change Opinion' border='none' background='no', align='top-left' icon='icon-fa-comments']
Hi Try using the code below! [box title='Change Opinion' border='no' background='no', align='left' icon='fa fa-comment']Content Here[/box]