I am having trouble getting the search block, the same as in the demo, i.e. a search icon, that when clicked brings up the search block. And the search icon is visible in mobile.
For reference, I currently have Search API installed and the search block is a block that has been created automatically via this. I don't suppose this is any different to using the existing search block that ships with Drupal (but is not used, in my case), but I just thought I would mention it anyway.
So, unless I have missed a setting somewhere to get the search like the demo, my questions are:
1) How do you only get an icon in the menu. (I see that I now have the option to add an icon, but text still has to be entered for the menu item, which I don't want?
2) How do I set the search block to be hidden until someone clicks on the search icon?
Hi campbdy,
To get the search form work same as our demo, You just set Search Form Block to "Top" region. The search icon auto add when search form block is add to Top.