How to change position of search button shown in menu right side

Hi, My menu have 8 spot so i need 11 colm for this to set. How can i set this in same place. I also want to replace/remove search button from menu right side. Please let me know how to remove/replace it.
Please download the attachment and replace region--navigation.tpl.php file in templates folder then remove "search form" block from Top region.
Thanks, Now search button problem solved. Now as i discuss menu problem, Please find attached image. Now my current menu show in pic1.jpb But i want it like pic2 So if i change padding from 20px to 12px in this class #section-header .dexp-dropdown a{padding: 0 12px;} my problem is solved. But problem is your css is encoded so how i add custom class or where i add this code. I also try to past this code "#section-header .dexp-dropdown a{padding: 0 12px;}" from here Show DrupalExp Block Settings->Block Custom Style. Custom block content class But now getting solution. Please help me to solve this.
But not getting solution.
Hi Deepak, You can set the number of columns for menu region or any other regions again very easily by configuring without any change CSS. Please see the video to do this.
Actually i set number of columns of logo to 3 and navigation to 9 and then take screen shot as i attached in previous post.
Hi, Please try with + logo: cols 2 and navigation: 10 cols + and logo: 1 and navigation: 11 cols NOTE: Remember save before exiting this form. For consistence, you should change in ALL layouts If you still have problem, you can consider our suggestions: + Use sub menu to reduce the width of navigation if posible + Open file mainmenu.less to re-style margin or padding between li tags. Thanks,
Thanks for help. Actually i can't change logo cols less than 3. because logo size will be change to small. I already use sub menu in all tags. except contact. But by mainmenu.less file my problem is solved. Thanks a lot..........
I think adding a custom.scss to the file, and then put your custom css in your theme, but don't forget to clear cache. I think this will solve your problem. :)