My menu have 8 spot so i need 11 colm for this to set. How can i set this in same place. I also want to replace/remove search button from menu right side. Please let me know how to remove/replace it.
Now search button problem solved.
Now as i discuss menu problem, Please find attached image. Now my current menu show in pic1.jpb But i want it like pic2
So if i change padding from 20px to 12px in this class #section-header .dexp-dropdown a{padding: 0 12px;}
my problem is solved.
But problem is your css is encoded so how i add custom class or where i add this code.
I also try to past this code "#section-header .dexp-dropdown a{padding: 0 12px;}" from here
Show DrupalExp Block Settings->Block Custom Style.
Custom block content class
But now getting solution.
Please help me to solve this.
Please try with
+ logo: cols 2 and navigation: 10 cols
+ and logo: 1 and navigation: 11 cols
NOTE: Remember save before exiting this form.
For consistence, you should change in ALL layouts
If you still have problem, you can consider our suggestions:
+ Use sub menu to reduce the width of navigation if posible
+ Open file mainmenu.less to re-style margin or padding between li tags.
Thanks for help.
Actually i can't change logo cols less than 3. because logo size will be change to small.
I already use sub menu in all tags. except contact.
But by mainmenu.less file my problem is solved.
Thanks a lot..........
I think adding a custom.scss to the theme.info file, and then put your custom css in your theme, but don't forget to clear cache. I think this will solve your problem.
Show DrupalExp Block Settings->Block Custom Style. Custom block content class
But now getting solution. Please help me to solve this.