Hi! I'm using the carousel shortcode with 3 slides. I've gotten 1 image to show, but the othes won't show up as I change slides (it just stays on the same image) and no captions are displaying. When I inspect the elements the images are showing up there, but I don't see the captions anywhere.

Here's what my shortcode looks like (maybe I have filled in something incorrectly?):

[carousels items="3"][carousel path="/sites/default/files/IOC_maybe.jpg" sequence="1"]Integrated Open Canopy[/carousel][carousel path="/sites/default/files/IOC_maybe2.jpg" sequence="2"]Coffee seedlings[/carousel][carousel path="/sites/default/files/IOC_maybe3.jpg"]High elevation trees[/carousel][/carousels]


Could you please create a ticket with your site info, we will help to check and correct problem.

Thank you.

yes. it is true. a little strange. please help.


Please create a ticket with your site information which we can help you fix the issue.

Thank you.