I can't get any blog content to show up - I believe there must be an issue with the views. I have blog posts and articles both promoted to the front page, published, with all users permission. I've checked the settings of the views, the settings of blocks, and I can't find the problem. None of the blog posts or articles are visible.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I have no idea if this is related, but my log messages are all related to supportearthday.com/blog, and they say:
TYPE php
DATE Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 01:09
USER jdeboi
LOCATION http://supportearthday.com/blog
MESSAGE Notice: Undefined index: evolve in theme_get_setting() (line 1431 of /home3/labbdanc/public_html/supportearthday/includes/theme.inc).