assign layout and blocks to content types, or by other conditions but not per node.

Hello, Here is a pre-sales question before choose and buy evolve or jollyness theme: How can we define which layout (e.g layout without sidebar, or with right sidebar etc) is assigned to a node and which blocks will be displayed in the layout? It is adjustable per node, per content type or can we define more complex conditions? (what kind of conditions?) It is compatible with context and delta module? or panels?
Hello salata, Default layout will be assign to all node(s), content types... And a new layout created only assign per node but you can using * wild-char in URL. So don't worry about any content type or any condition to assign. Please see the video to know how to create layout(s) and assign them to node(s). With drupalexp framework you don't need any modules such as: delta or panel. Thanks,
Hello, I want to buy evolve theme but I use Context module for display blocks and views per content type. Is possible to work with drupalexp framework without use Pages Assignment in the layout settings? Thanks!